My New Poetry Book, Ophelia, On Sale Now!

My new poetry collection, Ophelia has been published!

You can buy the print book at most independent bookshops, either on the shelves or by asking them to order it for you. You can also order the print book directly from my publisher,, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Foyles (UK), and Waterstones (Europe). The Kindle ebook is also at Amazon. You can read more about the book below…

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My debut poetry collection, Give the Bard a Tetanus Shot, was released one year ago today. Aside from the pandemic, my life hasn’t really changed, but it was a lifelong dream come true and one of my happiest experiences. Thanks to my wonderful publisher, all the bookshops that stocked it, and to everyone who supported, … Continue reading Bardiversary

My Debut Poetry Book, Give the Bard a Tetanus Shot, On Sale Now!

My debut poetry collection, Give the Bard a Tetanus Shot has been released!

You can buy the book directly from my publisher, at Amazon, and other major retailers. And you can find it at most independent bookshops (including my beloved local Taylor Books) on the shelves or online via IndieBound. Full list of where to buy my book is here. You can read more about the book below…

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